Ranch Dressing

by Rebel Jon on January 5, 2011

Servings: 8 to 12


I defy you to take a blind taste test and tell me that this wasn't the very best ranch dressing in the world!


1 C Veganaise (vegan) or Smart Balance Omega (vegetarian)
1/2 cup Tofutti Sour Cream (or other non-dairy brand)
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
4 tbsp soy or almond milk
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried chives
1/2 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp dried dill weed
1/4 tsp black pepper


Whisk in a bowl or spin it in a blender.  I use plastic disposable container to store in the frig.

Written by Rebel Jon

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  • Paula Hill

    Love all the vegan recipes! Did you hear the new Sprouts Grocery Store at the corner of I-20 & S. Hulen is set to open on Jan. 26th. Finally! A decent grocery store on in SW Fort Worth.

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